Tuberculosis is a severe infectious disease caused by species of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. M. bovis is responsible for pulmonary disease in bovin and sometimes to tuberculous mastitis with passage of tubercle bacilli in milk.M. bovis is responsible for extra-pulmonary infections in human and also pulmonary infections by inhalation of infected droplets through direct contact with infected animals. Staff working in microbiological diagnostic and research laboratories is likely to be exposed to Infection risk with pathogens. M. species are essentially an airborne Pathogen included in Risk Group 3 according to the international classification and It is transmitted via aerosols or less frequently by accidental inoculation. The definite diagnosis of tuberculosis relies on the isolation and identification of the Mycobacterium in clinical specimens. . It was showed that 80% of all accidents were due to human error and 20% to equipments problems. even if equipments troubles were partially solved by the adoption of appropriate safety equipments in many diagnostic and research laboratories, behavioral factors may be a source of concern. There are numerous records of laboratory-acquired tuberculosis infection through aerosols or skin puncture . Biological Risk Assessment of Laboratory Activities through Species of the Mycobacterium must be considered. The bacterial load of infected material (such as sputum specimens and cultures), and the viability of TB bacilli. Route of transmission of TB; the location of the laboratory; The epidemiology of the disease and the patient population served by the laboratory; the level of experience and the competence of the laboratory's technicians in addition to the health of the laboratory's workers. Biosafety Recommendations for the Contained Use for isolation of Mycobacterium species and the use of disinfection, inactivation of M. tuberculosis isolates and waste management as well as The Personnel should receive regular updates and appropriate additional training, under the supervision of the head of the laboratory are discussed