Many factors were found to affect ovarian activity negatively in farm animals. Last year‘s researches focused on several natural compounds (heavy metals and phytoestrogens) that may interfere with the major functions of the endocrine system and can affect female fertility .Therefore ,they were termed endocrine disruptors (EDCs) . So , the objective of the present study was to pinpoint some causes of infertility in ewes from the El-Dakhla city (New Valley –Egypt) as some EDCs ( iron, lead and cadmium ) may present in well-water and berseem fodder as well as some trace elements and minerals that affect biosynthesis or activity of FSH ,LH, estradiol ,progesterone ,testosterone ,T3 ,T4 and TSH .A total of thirty 3-6 years old Balady ewes (30-40 kg) were studied .The control ewes (G1 ,n =10) were fed according to their physiological status and were of normal fertility. Twenty infertile ewes were from two different farms(ten for each ,G2& G3) and had been grazed on a highly estrogenic pasture of Berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum ,Al -Abbd ) rich in phytoestrogen and drink well-water directly from the same well without any treatment. Well-water, berseem and serum samples were analyzed for their heavy metals content. Serum samples were analyzed for minerals, and hormonal levels. The obtained results revealed that wellwater and berseem fodder had iron levels higher than the permissible limits of WHO and Egyptian ministry of health .Meanwhile, Pb and Cd levels were within the permissible limits .Calcium level of well-water was within the permissible limit of WHO. Serum analysis recorded drastic increase in Fe levels but the Pb and Cd levels were not detected . Insignificant increase was recorded in Ca levels in both the infertile groups. Zn concentrations were significantly decreased in G2& G3 ,Cu levels were significantly decreased in G2 and Pi levels decreased significantly in G3 only. Serum hormonal analysis showed significant decrease in LH levels in G3 with significant decrease in FSH levels in G2&G3 .Moreover , estradiol and progesterone concentrations were significantly increased in both the infertile groups. Meanwhile , testosterone levels significantly increased& decreased in G2&G3 , respectively. Significant decrease in T3 levels in both the infertile groups .Also, significant increase was recorded in T4 &TSH levels in G2&G3 in comparing with the control group. In conclusion , this study indicated that heavy metals pollution of well-water and berseem fodder with iron as well as serum zinc ,copper and phosphorus deficiency affect fertility of ewes at El- Dakhla city farms . Moreover , grassing on berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum , Al -Abbd ) may be the cause of reduced ovulation rate owing to high content of phytoestrogens. So, iron and phytoestrogen act as endocrine disrupting compounds which affect gonadotrophic hormones (LH&FSH), steroidogenesis and thyroid hormones production that affect ewes fertility.