Background: Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders, which required
long term therapy or lifelong treatment in some cases. Chronic use of antiepileptic
drugs (AEDs) therapy might modify some vascular risk factors, Since atherosclerotic
vascular alterations may start early in life, this study focuses on dyslipidemia which is a major
atherogenic risk factor among epileptic children. The aim of this study: to evaluate different
effects of mono-therapy antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) on lipid profile of children with
idiopathic epilepsy. Methods: this study was carried out on 80 children , their age rage (7-
16) divided into group I included 20 healthy children their age and sex matched served as a
control ,group II included 20 newly diagnosed epileptic children ( according to ILAE2014
diagnostic criteria of epilepsy ) they didn't receive medication till the time of study and and
lastly group III included epileptic children receiving monotherapy AEDs n=40 ,where the
duration of treatment were not less than 2 months ; groupIII divided into four subgroup
according to the type of AEDs . Measurement received for all participant include detailed
history, clinical examination ,neurological examination and serum fasting lipid profile, while
the analysis of seizure (onset ,type, frequency and classification of epilepsy according to
(ILAE2017)) , inter-ictal EEG ,history of AEDs administration; daily dose and compliance to
medication were for epileptic patient only. Result: serum TC, LDL were significantly higher
in epileptic children receiving AEDs than control groups or group of newly diagnosed
epileptic children , TG and VLDL were higher in epileptic children treated with old AEDs
than other groups ,while newly diagnosed epileptic children have higher LDL than control
group, on the other hand there is a significant higher HDL in epileptic children treated with
new antiepileptic drugs than newly diagnosed epileptic children and epileptic children treated
with old antiepileptic drugs. Conclusion: epilepsy and antiepileptic drugs especially old
generation antiepileptic drugs are considered risk factors of dyslipidemias& atherosclerosis.
We recommend routine monitoring of the serum lipid profile in epileptic children especially
they treated with old generation AEDs (VAP and CBZ namely).