Satirical writing means a rebellion against reality. And an intellectual revolution against traditional truisms. Was it a policy or a social one that it “reflects the image of reality with its beauty and ugliness, but in a different way from normal writing"
As satirical literature is a unique type of literature, it is philosophical literature in itself, which is expressed in several satirical literary ways that reflect social and political problems or other criticism of people or negative behaviors expressed by the poet, storyteller or writer in an artistic way in which irony depends on symbols in support of a cause he embraces and believes in, Satirical literature is a method that the writer intends to use to attract the reader's attention, seize his interest, and push him to participate and interact with the text.
This satirical literature is generally literature that seeks to criticize and expose situations, by placing the reader in front of strange, anomalies, realistic cases that call for deliberate contemplation and treatment. Satirical literature is based on irony in speech. The situation comes unexpectedly and may sometimes cause laughter.
This study focuses on the emergence and development of satirical literature in China and the world, Where satirical literature is one of the most important types of literature that originated from ancient times until it developed and diversified in the modern and contemporary era.