This study was conducted to assess the effects of different honeybee products including propolis, bee venom, and drone milk extract against Meloidogyne javanica, on tomato plants. Results showed that all tested products significantly reduced nematode parameters when compared with infected plants with nematode alone. Applying drone milk extract at the rate of 0.5 ppm was highly effective in-vivo and in-vitro studies followed by propolis in reducing nematode parameters. The highest percentages reduction in gall counts, egg masses, females/root, numbers of juveniles / 250 g soil, the final population of nematode (PF) as well as the reproductive factor (RF) were demonstrated by 89.52; 80.68; 89.16; 91.24; 94.18 and 94.2%, respectively with drone milk. The treatment of propolis was the second most effective one with no significant differences between them. The lowest reduction was obtained with the bee venom at the same concentration. The results also showed that the tested honeybee products at this concentration significantly improved plant growth parameters of plant height; root length; the number of leaflets; fresh shoots, and root weight. We quantified soil fauna in multiple taxonomic groups to determine how species abundance, richness, diversity, consistency, and community composition of species were affected by these simulated products. The fauna was minimally affected by the treatments with the three products. However, in the drone milk treatment, the richness and diversity increased, consequently, the plant parameters were improved. Finally, natural honeybee products may be employed as nematode management alternatives to control nematode infection in tomato fields.