Drug abuse and addiction is one of the most serious problems facing contemporary societies. It is critical due to many fundamental reasons, the most important of which are: the multiple destructive effects of drug abuse and addiction on human physical, psychological, and mental health. Moreover, the negative impact of drug abuse extends to human social relations and family stability. It also continues to negatively affect the economic aspects of the individual and the family through the depletion of the society's resources in the form of the large sums of money spent by drug addicts. This is in addition to the costs incurred by the states to establish additional medical, security, and justice institutions to combat their spread, as well as the costs of countering the spread of new types of crime resulting from drug abuse. Moreover, the spread of drug abuse in a society has its negative political effects, such as weakening the national identity and patriotism, the degradation of values, and so on.
The present research addresses one of the problems facing a large sector of Omani society: drug abuse among school students (grades 5-12) in public schools. Many studies indicate that these grades are the school stage where students are most likely to begin taking drugs. The number of students at this stage is 366771 students (Ministry of Education Statistics, 2016-2017). In this regard, the problem of drugs is studied from the point of view of the social workers who work at the schools of that stage.