Growth in industrialization results in urban areas to suffer from serious problems of environmental pollution as; the solid waste generation in these areas is very high, and its proper disposal is a major problem. Mainly contaminants from industries are metallic in nature among them the most common found is Lead. This metallic contaminant is inorganic in nature its concentration does not change with time. An estimation of contaminant transport through compacted fine-grained soils is of great importance for the remediation of contaminated sites and in the design of liners for waste containment facilities, which requires proper understanding of various processes that occur while the contaminants are transported through them. The concentration of the influent liquid is maintained at 100ppm. Selected soil exhibit distinct mineralogical and morphological characteristics from other soils available in the region. The shear strength tests will be carried out to address the geotechnical properties of the selected soil with heavy metal. This study enhances better understanding of the fate of selected heavy metals contaminant movement in selected soil and stabilizer (lime) effect on expansive soil. The results obtained from this study can be efficiently used to design landfill liners relying on this soil.
Lead, Semi-Arid Soil, Shear Strength, lime, Landfill Liner
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International Journal of Advances in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering
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Effect of Lead on Geotechnical Properties of Treated and Untreated Semi‐Arid Soil