Human relation skills may play a significant role in the development of employees, and
improvement of organizational commitment and performance. Objective: To determine the
effect of human relation skills training program for head nurses on staff nurses
organizational commitment. Subjects: All head nurses (n = 18), staff nurses (n = 69) working
at El-Mabara and El-Zahraa hospitals in El Beheria Governorate. Tools: Two tools were
used in this study namely: human relation skills scale for head nurse's and organizational
commitment scale for staff nurses. Results: revealed that the total mean score of head nurses
for human relation skills was 126.3±12.5 which significantly improved to 143.1±5.9 after two
months of implementing the program. Also, about half of the staff nurses (55.1%) had high
organizational commitment before implementing the program while 85.5% after two months
of implementing the program reveals high organizational commitment. In addition, the
highest factor affecting human relations among head nurses was leadership skills influencing
others. Conclusion: There is an effect of human relation skills training program for head
nurses and on their staff nurses organizational Commitment which is proved statistically.
Recommendations: In-service training program should be provided periodically for both
head nurses and staff nurses as well as all other healthcare providers about human relation
skills to improve their knowledge in the previously mentioned two hospitals.