One of the major criteria of successful aging is maintaining a natural, healthy,
functional dentition throughout life. However, the oral health of older adults is far from the
optimal. Treatment needs are high due to edentulism, caries and periodontal diseases
resulting in impaired oral functions. The etiology of many dental diseases is influenced by
oral self care practices and lifestyle factors. Therefore; professionally organized oral health
self-care practices are very important for institutionalized older adults. Objective: Determine
the effect of oral health care interventions on oral health self care practices of
institutionalized older adults. Settings: Dar El-Amal in Mansoura city, Ras El bar elderly
home in Ras El bar city, Dar El-Walaa in meet khamr city and Dar El saada in Tanta city.
Subjects: 70 institutionalized older adults aged 60 years and above have no artificial teeth,
have normal cognitive and have no depression. Tools: Five tools were used: Older Adults
Socio Demographic and Clinical Data Structured Interview Schedule, the Mini Mental State
Examination (MMSE) Scale, the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Short Form, Older Adults'
Knowledge Related to Oral Health Structured Interview Schedule, and Older Adult's Oral Self
Care Practices. Results: positive improvement in the level of oral self care practices of
subjects in the study group after implementation of the study intervention with a statistically
significant difference between the two groups. A higher mean score of oral self care practices
of subjects in the study group was found in males than females, in those with higher education
than those with lower education and in those with higher monthly income than those with
lower monthly income. Conclusion: Improved oral health knowledge and oral self care
practices among the majority of subjects in the study group. A higher mean score of oral self
care practices was found in males than in females, in those with higher education and in
those with higher monthly income. A positive direct relationship was found between the oral
health knowledge of subjects in the study group and their oral self-care practices.
Recommendations: All institutionalized older adults should be follow periodic dental
examination regularly with daily oral self care practices.