Alzheimer's disease is one of the most upsetting chronic illnesses, affecting millions of elderly
individuals and families across the world. Providing proper care for people with Alzheimer's disease
is difficult and requires specific skills, attitudes, and knowledge. Objective: Evaluate the effect of an
in-service training program about Alzheimer's disease on knowledge and attitude of formal caregivers
in Damanhour City. Setting: The study was conducted at the available governmental residential home
in Damanhour City. Subjects: All available formal caregivers, who accepted to participate in the
study and caring for elders residing in the previously mentioned setting were included. Their total
number amounted to 45 caregivers. Tools: An interview schedule was used to collect the required
data. Results: More than half of caregivers stated mass media as the main sources of their knowledge
about Alzheimer disease. There was statistical significant relation between caregiver's knowledge
level and attitude regarding Alzheimer disease at post in-service training program. Conclusion:
Caregivers who have good and satisfactory level of knowledge regarding Alzheimer disease also have
positive attitude at post implementation of in-service training program. Recommendations: Expand
the role of social media for increasing community awareness about caring for patient with Alzheimer.
Alzheimer's disease, Formal Caregivers, In-service training program, Attitude, Knowledge
Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Damanhour University
Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Damanhour University
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Alexandria Scientific Nursing Journal
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Effect of an In-Service Training Program about Alzheimer’s Disease on Knowledge and Attitude of Formal Caregivers in Damanhour City