Background: Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a systematic approach to improving the quality of nursing practice.Aim: The current study aims to investigate the effect of educational program regarding evidence based practice on beliefs and implementation among Clinical instructors. Design: A quasi-experimental research was utilized. Setting: The study was carried out at Faculty of Nursing, Minia University. Subjects: convenient sample of all available (78) clinical instructors who were working in a six Departments in Faculty of Nursing at Minia University at the time of conducting the study. Tools: Two tools were used; the Evidence-Based Practice Beliefs (EBPB) Scale, and the EBP implementation (EBPI) scale. Results: showed that total mean scores of clinical instructors' evidence-based practice implementation was increased post program than pre-program and follow up session was increased than pre and post program and total mean scores of clinical instructors' evidence-based practice beliefs was increased post program than pre-program and follow up session was increased than pre and post program with highly statistically significance differences which P – value .0001 respectively. Conclusion: Findings of the research demonstrated that education can affect the clinical instructor's belief and implementation to use EBP. Recommendations: Repetition of the educational program in other nursing Faculties needs to be done on the use and implementation of EBP.
Evidence-based practice, beliefs, Implementation, clinical instructors
Assist. lecturer, Nursing Administration, faculty of nursing ,Minia University
Professor, Nursing Administration, faculty of nursing, Ain Shams University, Egypt
Professor, Nursing Administration, faculty of nursing, Minia University, Egypt
Professor, Nursing Administration, faculty of nursing, Minia University, Egypt
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Minia Scientific Nursing Journal
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Effect of Educational Program regarding Evidence Based Practice on Beliefs and Implementation among Clinical Instructors.