Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) defines child abuse and child maltreatment as "all forms of physical and emotional, sexual abuse, neglect or commercial or other exploitation resulting in actual or potential harm to the child's health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power. The Egyptian Foundation for Advancement of the Childhood Condition (EFACC) revealed in its monthly report that March 2017 saw the highest rates of child abuse in Egypt over the last five years. Aim: to assess pattern of family's abuse and negligence exposer among nursing school students'. Research design: descriptive exploratory research design was utilized to meet the aim of this study. Sample: purposive sample of about 437 male and female nursing students in selected nursing schools and aged from 15 -18 years and willing to participate in the study at Minia nursing secondary schools. Tools: two tools were used in this study; assessment of students' knowledge structured questionnaire; child trauma questionnaire (Diavid P.Bernstein 1995 ). Results: more than half( 65.9 % ) of the students have satisfactory knowledge about family abuse and one third percentage (34.1%) had unsatisfactory knowledge about family abuse. It revealed that more than half (51.7%) of the students had exposed to physical abuse. It was noticed that (88.1%, 97.9% respectively) of the students' had not exposed to psychological and sexual abuse. while (2.1%) had exposed to sexual abuse. Also the majority of students' had exposed to emotional abuse and neglect (82.2%,82.4% respectively). Conclusion: more than half of the students have satisfactory knowledge about family abuse and one third percentage had unsatisfactory knowledge about family abuse, Also the majority of students' had exposed to emotional abuse and neglect. Recommendations: The study recommended that monitor and closely observes parents performance regarding child abuse address to determine their needs for continuing education programs and provide training courses regarding child abuse and negligence for parents and students.