Background: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a global health problem. Cirrhosis and end stage liver disease are considered main complications among adults and children. Epidemiologically, Egypt show higher level of anti HCV antibodies than other countries. The current study aimed to screen (HCV) infection among school children. Research design: A cross-sectional research design was used to achieve the aim of this study. Sample: Two randomly selected schools at Minia district (one urban and one rural) were included in the study, 750 students were included out of 862 with response rate 87%. Tools: A structured interviewing questionnaire that includes part one: demographic data related to studied group, part two: included risk factors associated with HCV infection such as history of taking any injectable medications drug use, history of blood transfusion, history of hospital operation... etc. while part three was a rapid HCV antibody test. Results: The mean age of the study sample was 15.18 ± 1.959 years, regarding to results of advanced quality rapid HCV antibody test, only 0.7% of school children were positive anti HCV. The most prevalent risk factors among studied school children were ear piercing, history of taking injectable medications from informal care provider, circumcision, scarification and history of dental procedure 99.3, 94.9, 88.8, 88.5, and 62.5% respectively. Regarding relation between risk factors and percentage of anti HCV among school children, blood transfusion, sharing shaving instruments and tooth brush are statistically significant. Conclusion: The study was concluded that the percentage of school children (aged 12-18) years old who are probably infected with HCV was 0.7% (5 out of 750) in Minia district. Recommendations: Future studies should focus on the screening of HCV and methods of prevention in some other nearby communities at Minia governorate to make early detection and provide proper treatment.