(Ohaddith Al-Lail) is a Diwan to the poet Mohammed Al-Moqren achieved popularity according to the standard of high sales and lots of quotes from it. If you think about it, you will find that it has several factors that are likely - or some of them - to be the secret of attracting recipients. The poetry collection deals with fundamental subjects that affect the Arab recipient or he tends to it instinctively. And it presents these subjects mostly in a positive perception raising motivations and strengthens determinations. Al-Moqren presents them sometimes using the techniques of Intertextuality that arouse affability in the soul with similar familiarity, and with the techniques of Paradox that occur the surprise of contrary to expectation, and with the aesthetics of combination through the unity of the title and the repetition aspects especially the motif phenomenon (repetition) which achieved consistency at the level of the text or at the level of the whole poetry collection. The difference was also a factor for the beauty of the poetry collection including the variety of meters and the rhyme in one text, also the multiplicity of literary types in the same text as well or the use of the technique of Apostrophe that transformed the route of the context to suit a significant or sensory need. All of which were techniques that occurred an alert and activation and other functions that varied from technique to another. It was an attraction to the poetry collection. These all elements answer - in their presence - the question that directs the study: What may have attracted recipients to this poetry collection?
Text Structure, the receiver, Mohammed Al-Moqren, intertextuality, Paradox, repetition, difference, multiplicity
Associate Professor at Department of Literature Umm Al-Qura University KSA
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سياقات اللغة والدراسات البينية
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بنية النص في ديوان (أ حُُدّث الليلُ) لمحمد المقرنُ (قراءة في أحوال النص وعوامل تأثيره في المتلقي) Text Structure in Diwan (ohaddith Al-Lail) (I,m talking to theNight) of Mohammed