President Rodrigo Duterte declares an Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ), the lockdown of all entry and exit points in the entire Luzon. This is to prevent the fast-spreading of COVID-19 in the entire Luzon as well as its neighbouring regions. Part of the ECQ was the temporary suspensions of mass gathering which may include the operations of malls, restaurants, and even schools. Both Education Sectors of the Department of Education, Commission on Higher Education, and Technical Educations and Skills Development Authority announced the temporary suspensions of classes. (Luna, 2020). The researcher will be using a descriptive research method in identifying the effectiveness of the e-Learning in Philippine Merchant Marine Academy and Central Luzon College of Science and Technology thus Descriptive research is defined as a research method that defines the physiognomies of the population or phenomenon that is being studied. One important characteristic of a descriptive research design is it relates the facts that it can employ a number of variables and only one variable is required to conduct a descriptive study. Moreover, descriptive research might be characterized as simply the attempt to determine, describe or identify what is or while analytical research attempts to establish why it is that way or how it came to be, Ethridge (2004). The researcher will be using stratified random sampling to represents each group. The study attempted to know about the proper implementation of e-Learning tools as an alternative tool amidst COVID-19 crisis. As stated in the methods, the researcher selected a stratified sample of 270 respondents studying at the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy and 50 students from the Central Luzon College of Science and Technology. An Online Google Form survey was carried out to find out the extent of implementation of the e-Leaning. The Google Form was comprised of background information, awareness scale, and other open as questions. The results gathered were put through data analysis and interpretation which are presented in this section. As we reached the 20th Century and as a surprising pandemic manipulated the globe which brought a drastic change in our normal way of living, one of the major sector that received a massive impact on its operation is the educational system that we have wherein all was being stopped and institutions crammed on finding ways to reach their student's on how to continue their interactions with them and finish their syllabus before the closing of their classes. Even Commencement exercises where being set to virtual so as not to impose or encourage social gathering. In line with this, the school educators decided to adapt the e-learning system as mentioned above. The researcher therefore determine that in today's current situation it is effective to use this e-learning system to continue the basic educational system and school year will not be hamper. Also, students will be safe in the comfort of their own homes while studying.