This work discusses the geologic setting of Abu Marwarea, and the distribution of the natural
radionuclides and assess the radiological hazard resulting from the granites in the area. The environmental
background levels of natural radiation, human exposure and dose rates as well as possible environmental
impacts of radiation were investigated. The field investigation of the different rock units, with references
to their mode of occurrence, mutual relationships, petrography and regional structure resulted that the area
is covered by Late Proterozoic igneous and metamorphic rocks. These rocks are nonconformably overlain
by Cretaceous Nubian sandstone in the western and northern parts of the area and they arranged from the
oldest to the youngest rocks by Metagabbros, Metavolcanics, Older granites (tonalities and granodiorites)
and Younger granites (monzogranites, syenogranites and Alkali-feldspar granites).
The younger granitic rocks at Abu Marw area have low uranium and thorium contents, where the
average contents of uranium are 1.14ppm, 5.7ppm and 2.1ppm and thorium are15.2ppm, 22.5ppm and
13.8ppm for monzogranites, syenogranites and alkali feldspar granites. The excess values of uranium and
thorium contents in syenogranites are due to the high contents of uranium and thorium bearing minerals in
these rocks.
The environmental impacts of the monzogranires, syenogranites and alkali feldspar granites at Abu
Marw area are studied. The radium equivalent activity (Raeq), gamma activity index (I), alpha activity
index (Iα), external hazard index (Hex), internal hazard index (Hin), external absorbed dose rate in
outdoor (Dout) and indoor (Din), annual effective dose (AEDE), annual gondal dose equivalent (AGDE)
and excess lifetime cancar risk (ELCR) are calculated. The studies concluded that all the environmental
impacts dose rates values in the younger granitic rocks (monzogranites, syenogranites and alkali feldspar
granites) rocks are lower than the publicpermissible values in these rocks and they are within the safety
range for the public and workers. So, these rocks are safety for the building and ornamental materials.