The present work provides the geology, geochemistry, and petrogenesis of the Dokhan volcanics rocks
exposed at the areas surrounding Wadi Um Sidra and Wadi Um Asmer in the northern Eastern Desert of
Egypt, between Latitudes 27° 14´ and 27º 26´ N and Longitudes 33º 8´ and 33º 22´ E. The Dokhan
volcanic rocks are exposed in the central (Gabal Dokhan) and the eastern parts of the mapped area. They
cut by several sets of faults causing distinctive rugged topography, whereas narrow wadis run through
these rocks. Based on the field and petrographical studies, the Dokhan volcanics are represented by a thick
sequence of stratified lava flows of andesites, dacites, rhyolites and scarce amounts of basaltic rocks with
pyroclastics which are composed of tuffs, agglomerates and ignimbrite. The Dokhan volcanics are
intruded by monzogranites, syenogranites and alkali feldspar granites with sharp and irregular contacts,
and sometimes are represented by large apophyses and several offshoots in syenogranites and as roof
pendant over the monzogranites. Geochemically, these rocks have shown metaluminous to slightly
peraluminous, medium to high- K calc- alkaline affinities and are unmetamorphosed with
dominantly porphyritic texture and they enriched in LREE. The REE patterns of the rhyolites are
characterized by wing shape with strong negative Eu anomaly, reflecting plagioclase fractionation.
The studied Dokhan volcanic rocks have geochemical characteristics similar to the rocks developed
in volcanic arc setting in subduction environment rather than transitional or post-collisional setting.
Rhyolites have geochemical characteristics of lavas erupted in collisional setting.The systematic
variations of major oxides and trace element abundances along continuous trends of decreasing Al2O3,
CaO, MgO, Fe2O3, TiO2, P2O5, Ni, Cr and Sr and increasing K2O, Rb, Nb and Zr with increasing
SiO2can be interpreted in terms of fractional crystallization. The similarity and parallel nature of the
normalized REE patterns with increasing total REE contents and decreasing Eu/Eu∗ with increasing
SiO2 imply a major role of crystal fractionation during the evolution of these rocks.