Theatrical art relied on dazzling the audience through artistic creativity in all the elements of the presentation, starting with the written text, directing, acting, singing, and finally the decoration which is the visual element that dazzles the form and expresses the text, therefore, theatrical decor designers throughout the ages have sought to dazzle the public by creating an innovative theatrical image using all visual elements, color and form combinations, lighting, space and all elements of the performance, while constantly striving to use all the technological advances, whether in lighting equipment or techniques for changing the decor or creating an impressive visual image. In the modern era, theatrical decoration has become the most element of the show to benefit from the achievements of contemporary technology, starting from the use of electricity, electronic devices, laser radiation and finally with virtual reality technology in the theatre. Theatrical decor has relied from the beginning on painters to paint three-dimensional scenes to give the audience an impression of a hypothetical reality. And here we are in the process of knowing the extent of the possibility of using virtual reality technology in the development of theatrical decoration with the aim of providing interior designers with more tools and capabilities to provide more dazzling designs. In the modern era, theatrical decoration has become the most element of the show to benefit from the achievements of contemporary technology, starting from using electricity, electronic devices, and laser radiation, and finally with virtual reality technology in the theatre, control within the world of virtual reality has become available, so you can move things and control them and touch anything to find that you interact within the surrounding environment. By presenting the concept of virtual reality, its importance, types, tools, and the possibility of using it in the field of theatre decoration and presenting the various experiences in the arts and media fields that have used virtual reality technology, such as cinema, advertising, computer games, and others.