Animation began in Egypt in 1936 when the Frankel brothers produced a collection of films 'mashmsh Effendi' and continued their production until 1950, then Antoine Salim came and presented works of animation, and in 1961 the artist worked majestically with Egyptian television in the beginning and became a special identity linked to the human heritage, and in order for this art to continue to develop in successive and rapid stages and that the animation artists were influenced by the Egyptian identity and illustrated in their works, which represent the essence of this art and the multiplicity of ways of producing this art The realization of animation, renewed by the understanding of man and his awareness of his reality and his ability to face his time, and that the Egyptian production of animation is increasing and that technical and skill superiority allows him to produce works of a high degree of technical quality, the art of animation appeared in Egypt a long time ago it is authentic in Egyptian life from the days of Pharaonic life and the idea of stirring in their drawings on the walls of temples and ceilings to describe the meaning to be presented to others, the description of events, victories and worldly beliefs and journeys and everything related to life and death and what is happening in the other world and draw that detail with all ingenuity and accuracy, the extension . The problem of research: The rooting of the pioneers of animation of the Egyptian identity in the face of the incoming multiculturalism. The research aims to identify as a 'cultural wealth' to understand the movement of history, and look deeply to the future, clarifying the challenges and mechanisms of producing animations. The importance of research: an affirmation of The Egyptian identity in the work of animation pioneers.