The twentieth century saw unprecedented technological development and openness, which began in the 19th century and reached its peak by the end of the 20th century. This development has taken on all aspects of life, including music. With globalization, the tremendous progress in communication and the availability of the Internet - which has become a living standard - the spread of this scientific and technical development has become very rapid. A long time ago, people started to look at music differently, and the modern medical attention went towards discovering the positive physiological and psychological effects of music. Music is no longer limited to be used as a treatment for grief or to express feelings or used in group therapy sessions, but it went far to the extent of the production of electronic devices to launch sound waves for holistic therapy and direct impact on the health of the individual. However, as much as the importance of this technical and scientific progress and its great potential for treatment is concerned, it is a two-edged sword. Some have started to exploit what scientists have reached in this field negatively, such as the use of narcotic music for the sake of financial profit. So sound therapy and music is a public benefit that has become a health hazard. This research deals with the positive therapeutic possibilities of music using modern technological means in addition to explaining the harmful music, which depends on the same technology and its impact on the human brain in order to warn people from it, along with emphasizing the need to deal with music with its useful logic and how to benefit from it.