Man, with his natural instinct, his delicate sense of beauty and his love for creativity, has tried to mold everything that his hands make into an artistic form, expressing his latent desires that vary according to his ability to innovate and the extent of his influence with what is around him. And he has always worked hard in adapting the nature around him to suit his physical and spiritual needs. Since ancient times, water has been an important and fundamental factor in the emergence, continuation and progress of most civilizations. Man has sought by his strong will and beneficial connection with water to employ the objective elements and conditions to create new forms and architectural structural elements to contain the element of water, which led, by extension, to the emergence of what is known as water fountains or water fountains. Fountains or fountains mean the process of moving water vertically upward, descending, or gradually, and in some cases complex water formations in which the philosophical aspects and which were inspired by environmental elements, climatic conditions, as well as the craftsmanship with it. Thanks to the genius and skill of Muslims in the science of mechanics and engineering sciences in creating many designs and shapes for water fountains, which depend on some simple mechanical parts and relationships, which led to their increasing spread and expansion by using them as a functional decorative element in various aspects. Life from mosques to homes, through squares, galleries and orchards. The problem lies in the presence of some trumpets that adopt the view that Muslims, despite their superiority in the knowledge of mechanics, have only used it for purposes limited to lavishness or luxury without having any beneficial or practical benefit.