ArticleRole of endovascular interventions in treatment of thromboembolic occlusion of superior mesenteric artery
ArticleRole of endovascular interventions in treatment of thromboembolic occlusion of superior mesenteric artery
ArticleMinimally invasive modalities in the management of acute mesenteric ischemia: a prospective case-series study
ArticleMinimally invasive modalities in the management of acute mesenteric ischemia: a prospective case-series study
ArticleEndovascular management of Trans-Atlantic Inter-Society Consensus C and D aortoiliac occlusive disease as a feasible, effective, and durable intervention
ArticleEndovascular management of Trans-Atlantic Inter-Society Consensus C and D aortoiliac occlusive disease as a feasible, effective, and durable intervention
ArticleRetrograde Transpopliteal Approach for the Endovascular Treatment of Chronic Lower Limb Ischemia
ArticleRetrograde Transpopliteal Approach for the Endovascular Treatment of Chronic Lower Limb Ischemia