The aim was evaluation of 5years experience in correction of cases of bilateral wide complete cleft lip with short, deviated or protruded prolabium and promaxilla.
Patients and methods: 20 children with wide complete cleft lip were corrected at the age of
3-6 months. Anterior palate was closed in all corrected children in two layers. The anomalies associate cleftlip as deviated prolabium and promaxilla was centralized by fracturing the vomer; the protruded prolabium and promaxilla were pushed backward after submucous excision of a bony triangle from the vomer and the short prolabium was elongated by tissues transferred from both sides. Facial appearance and complete healing was assessed in all corrected patients.
Results: the 20patients were corrected with excellent cosmetic appearance and no remaining anterior fistulas. The anterior palate was closed easily before lip repair without any remaining fistula, this palatal repair supported lip repair and helped in prevention of lip dehiscence. The function was good in all corrected children.
Conclusion: Wide cleft lip with protruded, short prolabium can be safely repaired with good cosmetic and functional outcomes. The anterior palate should be closed with lip correction while it is better to delay closure of the posterior palate to another operation.
Wide cleft lip and palate, protruded prolabium, short prolabium, deviated promaxilla
Pediatric Surgery Unit, Zagazig University, Egypt
Pediatric Surgery Unit, Zagazig University, Egypt
Pediatric Surgery Unit, Zagazig University, Egypt
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Ain Shams Journal of Surgery
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Bilateral complete wide cleft lip with short, protruded or deviated prolabium