Background: Benign breast diseaseis animportantrisk factor for a later breast cancer, which can develop in either breast. It includes a spectrum of histologic entities, usually subdivided into non-proliferative lesions, proliferative lesions without atypia, and atypical hyperplasia, with an increased risk of breast cancer associated with proliferative or atypical lesions.
Aim: To estimate the prevalence of benign proliferative breast lumps that carry a risk of developing breast cancer in Sohag governorate.
Patients and methods: This prospective study included 416 female patients presented to
Breast Clinic with clinically palpable benign breast lump(s) at Sohag University Hospital; only 390 of them were enrolled in the study. All patients were subjected to thorough clinical examination, sana-mammography and fine needle aspiration cytology. Those who were pregnant or proved to be malignant were excluded. Data including use of contraceptives, Parity, menarche, menopausal status, family history of breast cancer were collected prospectively using a pre-test questionnaire in a face to face interview. All biopsies taken form the excised lumps were examined by three pathologists with experience in breast diseases.
Results: Of 416 females with clinically benign breast lump(s), only 390 were recruited in
the study. The prevalence of BPBD was 78/390 (20%)while non BPBD was 312/390 {80%). BPBD with atypia was 24/390 (6.1%), while BPBD without atypia was 54/390 (13.8%).The commonest breast lesions were fibroadenoma, fibrocystic disease and duct ectasia (54.1%), (25 6%) and (5.6%) respectively.
Conclusion: Benign proliferative breast lumps are common among premenopausal women in Sohaggovernorateand a significant proportion ofBPBD had atypical proliferation