Aim: Colonic volvulus is defined as an axial twist of part of the colon along its mesentery of which sigmoid volvulus is the most common & splenic flexure volvulus is the least common. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the clinical features and surgical treatment methods in patients with colonic volvulus.
Method : Thirty-six patients operated upon between April 2007 and Mars 2010 were reviewed retrospectively. The demographic data of the patients, clinical features, preoperative radiological and operative findings, type of surgical procedure performed, postoperative complications, mortality and duration of hospital stay after surgery were reviewed.
Results : There were 26 male (72%), 10 female patients (28%) and their age ranged from
28 to 72 years with a mean of 53±7.8 years. Most frequent clinical features were abdominal pain, distension and constipation by order of frequency. Hypertension was the most frequent co-morbidity. WBCs were elevated in 32 patients. Plain X-ray was done routinely in every patient with +ve results in 28 patients (77%) & contrast enema was done in 6 patients only. Emergent surgical treatment done in patients with manifestations of peritonitis (30pt, 83%). Intra-operative, sigmoid volvulus was found in 30 pts, caecal volvulus in 3 patients, transverse colon volvulus in 2 pts and one case of splenic flexure volvulus. Decision for operation (Untwisting
& fixation (n=3), resection & primary anastomosis (n=10), resection, anastomosis & covering stoma(n=11) and resection & colostomy (n=12), was dependent on intestinal viability, general condition of patient and surgeon's preference. Post operative hospital stay ranged from 5 days to 26 days. It was least in patients underwent resection, anastomosis & covering stoma 8±4.11 and maximum in patient with just detortion & fixation (15±8.53). Post operative complications included post-operative, anastomotic leakage, wound infection, re-operation (Recurrent obstruction) and pulmonary complications.
Conclusion : Identifying those patients at the onset of their clinical course of colonic volvulus entails a high index of suspicion & resection with or without primary anastomosis should be the basic principle in management of colonic volvulus as detorsion and fixation carry a high risk of recurrence of the volvulus