Background: Organizational justice encourages the employee to work in healthy environment which is suitable to work creatively. Aim: The curent study aimed to explore the Effect of Nurses Leaders' Educational Program about Organizational Justice on the Creativity of their Staff Nurses at Work. Design: Quasi-experimental research design was used in this study.Setting: The study was conducted at one of the private hospital in Cairo- Egypt. Subjects: A convenience sample of nurses leaders were included (N=48). Also, convenience sample of staff nurses were included (N=110). Data collection tools: Organizational justice scale and Creativity questionnaire sheet. Two tools were used before, after and follow up implementing educational program about organizational justice for nurses' leaders at work. Results: More than three quarters of the studied nurses' leaders (85.4%) had high level of organizational justice after implementation of educational program. The majority of the studied staff nurses (93.6%) had high level of creativity after implementation of educational program. There was a positive correlation with highly statistical significant between total score of organizational justice scale and total score of creativity among the studied group. Conclusion: The study concluded that, the educational program for nurses' leaders was effective and improved their level of justice; thereby it improved the creativity level of staff nurses at work. Recommendations: The study recommended with providing continuous training programs for nurses' leaders and staff nurses to develop their capabilities regarding justice and creativity.
Key words: Creativity; Educational Program; Nurses leaders; Organizational Justice; Staff Nurses.
Creativity, Educational Program, Nurses leaders, Organizational justice, Staff nurses
Nursing administration department, faculty of nursing, helwan university, helwan, cairo
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Scientific Research Periodical
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Helwan International Journal for Nursing Research and Practice
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Organizational Justice: An Educational Program for Nurses’ Leaders to Enhance the Creativity of their Staff Nurses at Work.