Two field experiments were соnduсtеd at the Experimental Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University at "Dar-El- Ramed" Fayoum Governorate, Egypt during the two successive seasons of 2019 and 2020. The study was conducted in order to investigate the effect of withholding one irrigation at two stages as growth and three rates of Calcium carbonate nanoparticles as nano-fertilizers on growth parameters of some yellow single cross hybrids of maize under the environmental conditions of the experimentation area.
The experimental layout was a split-split plot arranged in randomized complete block design with three replications where water stress treatments (skipping of some irrigations) were considered as the main plot, three yellow single cross hybrids of maize arranged in the sub-plot and the sub-sub plot occupied by three concentrations calcium carbonate nanoparticles treatments.
Results indicated that irrigation treatment reflected positive significant influences on growth parameters, normal irrigation resulted in the best mean values of plant height, maximum number of leaves plant-1 , largest leaf area plant-1 and heaviest dry weight plant-1 in both seasons 65 and 80 (DAS). Irrigation treatments had a significant effect on number of days from sowing to 50% tasseling in the two growing seasons. The maximum number of days from sowing to 50% tasseling due to irrigation were produced from the normal irrigation compared with the other irrigation treatments {(Withholding the 4th irrigation (65 DAP) and Withholding the 5th irrigation (80 DAP)}.While the minimum number of days from sowing to 50% tasseling were resulted from Withholding the 5th irrigation (80 DAP).
Results showed that yellow single cross hybrids of maize were significantly differed in almost mean values of maize growth, under study in the both seasons. Maize hybrid of S. C. 2088 was significantly surpassed S. C. 2055 and S. C. 2066 in mean values of all growth characters.
Calcium carbonate nanoparticles concentrations had a significant effect on growth parameters i. e. plant height, number of leaves/plant-1, dry weight plant-1, and total dry weight of plant in both seasons at 65 and 80 DAS. Application of high rate of calcium carbonate nanoparticles produced the highest values.