The Study aims basically at determining the relative importance of the sup-themes of the value orientations levels, descriping the respondents value orientations levels between the terminal and intermenal value, determining the differnces between the value orientations levels of the three studied villages, identifying the relationship between the value orientations levels and the variables study, and finally identifying the most important reasons value imbalances in the study area and suggestions to face these imbalances from the view point of respondents.
Asystematic random sample of (200) Heads of rural youth were selscted from in (Snofer, Ibgeg, Talat) villages in Fayoum district, Fayoum governorate.
A number of complementary statistical measures and techniques were utilized in the analysis of the collected data including: Pearson's correlation coefficient, Che-Squere test, Step Wise multiple regression, Alpha coefficient, in addition to Percentages, Arithmetic mean, Standard deviation, Range and Frequencies.
The most important findings of the study were as fallows:
About (10.5%) of respondents had a low level of total degree of value orientations, (69%) of them had a moderate level, and finally (20.5%) of them had a high level of total degree of value orientations of respondents.
and there is no significant differences at 0.05 probability between the levels of total Value orientations and the three villages, where the calculated (F) 1.76, and The findings showed that four of the independent variables had significant effects at probability level 0.05. between the levels of total Value orientations and following variables: Social status, family size, family cohesion, and social media openness. And the relationship between the variables reached : 0.190, 0.166, 0,120, 0.108 respectitely by cramers.