Wheat is one of the strategic food crops. The state is working hard to
achieve self sufficiency from this cereal crop in order to attain food security
and to reduce the quntity imported of wheat. on the Egyptian economy
Emplementing some economic liberalization policy produced changes in the
structure of production costs and returns of wheat and other agricultural
The study Aims to investigating effect of economic reform policy on
some production and economic variables for wheat crop, by investigating the
effect through comparning between two periods, the period of study are
divided two periods, the first before applying economic reform policy (1982
ā 1990), the second after applying that policy (1991 ā 2003) the study applied
some economtric procdures to fulfillment the objective .
The results indicate that the structural changes of Egyptian economic
reform. affected on the cultivated area of wheat, productivity per feddan,
wheat production, total wheat revenue, total wheat costs, farm price, and net
revenue of wheat , value- added , and internal terms of trade,
The study proposed the following recommendation:-
1- Increasing farm prices or provision of improved seed varieties will
provide a greet incentive for wheat farmers to increase the wheat
cultivated area the production of wheat.
2- Activating the role of extension programs by increasing the area and
number of the extension fields to help the adoption of new technology in
wheat production.