A field trial conducted on barley, lupin and chickpea crops was
practiced in sand loamy newly reclaimed soil at the experimental farm
of the Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University, during 2006/07 and
2007/08 seasons. This work was designed to study the effect of nitrogen
fertilizer rates (15, 30 and 45 kg N/fed.) on the three crops grown as sole
and intercropping (barley/chickpea and barley/lupin). A split split-plot
arrangement in randomized complete block design with three
replications was used. The obtained results showed that, compared with
the barley/chickpea pattern, monocrop chickpea had significantly
improved yielding and quality traits. Whereas, intercropping had higher
seed index. Fertilization with 45% N (N3) led to increases in vegetative
and reproductive and consequently seed yield/fed. However, similar
means of height to first branch and seed index were obtained from
application of 30 kg N/fed. (N2) which produced the highest harvest
index. Compared with monocrop culture, barley/lupin intercropping
resulted in significant increases of lupin height traits in addition its
superiority for number of branches and seed index but with inferior seed
weight/plant. The heaviest weight of seeds/plant and yield/fed. were
obtained from soled lupin. Nitrogen application results revealed the
adequacy of N3 for lupin where it produced acceptable seed yield/fed.
due to its superior number of pods and harvest index. Except seed and
harvest indices all barley traits were significantly affected by
intercropping in favour to soled culture. Intercropping barley produced
more than half yield/fed. Compared with solid culture. Nitrogen
fertilization indicated the suitability of N2 (30 kg N/fed.) for producing
improved yield insignificantly different from that of N3. Under cropping
patterns with N2 fertilizer dose, the second yielding combinations were
barley/chickpea (12.18 ard) and then barley/lupin (11.08 ard) which
represented 61 and 55% of yield of soled barley fertilized with N3.
These results indicating that chickpea was of better effect than lupin on
barley yielding ability and fertilization with the intermediate nitrogen
dose (N2) was quite enough for intercropping. Also, with N2
barley/chickpea and barley/lupin yielded 49% chickpea together with
61% barley with LER of 1.15 as well as 46% lupin together with 55%
barley with LER 1.21, respectively, compared with sole culture of each
crop. These two intercropping –N2 combinations increased total
production by 15% and 21% respectively.