A field experiment was conducted on a clayey soil during two
successive winter seasons of 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 at Damas village, Mit
Ghamer district, El Dakahlia Governorate, Egypt to evaluate the effectiveness
of seed inoculation with rhizobium and foliar spray with zinc and cobalt on
faba bean (Vicia faba L.) yield and its components as well as seed protein and
nutrient contents. Zinc and cobalt sulphates were applied at three rates of 0,
250 and 500 mg L-1 for Zn and 0, 15 and 25 mg L-1 for Co. Yield and its
components (i.e., number of tillers plant-1), number & dry weight of nodules
and nitrogenase activity of root nodules plant-1 at two investigated periods of
45 and 70 days from sowing as well as number of pods plant-1, grain contents
of protein and elements (i.e., N, P, K, Fe, Zn, Cu & Co). Soil content of
available nitrogen forms (NH4+ and NO3-) after 70 days from sowing and at
harvest were taken into consideration in this study.
The obtained data show that seed inoculation with rhizobium
inoculation and foliar spray with Zn and Co led to a significantly increased in
each of tiller plant-1, number of pods plant-1, grain protein, grain and straw
yields in kg fed-1. A parallel trend was occurred for the positive effect of the
applied treatments on faba bean grain contents of N, K, Fe, Zn, Cu and Co,
however, the greatest values were achieved at the highest rates of 500 and 25
mg L-1 of Zn and Co, respectively. On the other hand, no changes were
observed for grain content of P by increasing the applied Zn and Co rates,
may be due to the antagonism between Zn and P.
As for the beneficial effects of the applied treatments on the available
nitrogen content in the experimental soil, data show that seed rhizobium
inoculation as well as Zn and Co as foliar application resulted in a noticeable
increase for available content of nitrogen forms (NH4+ and NO3-) at both
investigated periods of 70 days after sowing and at harvest as compared to the
control treatment. At the same times, it is noticed that the available N-forms
gave the greatest values at 70 days after sowing as well as in case of Zn
foliarly as compared to at harvest and case of Co. This was true, since such
increase was more closely to the nitrogenase activity. It is noteworthy to
mention that seed inoculation and Zn or Co foliar application showed a
parallel trend for the pronounced increases of all tested plant and soil
parameters as compared to the control treatment under both studied growing
season conditions. So, it could be said that the residual effect of N-biofixation in the soil after harvest leading to rationalize use of N-mineral
fertilizers for the next crop, which is surplus point for sustainable agriculture