Two field experiments were carried out in Tamiya Agricultural
Research Station at Fayoum Governorate for the two successive growing
seasons of 2008/ 2009 and 2009/2010 to study yield and quality of sugar
beet as affected by sowing dates included two sowing dates i.e. 15th July and
15th November and some macro and micro nutrients treatments
Each sowing date included 24 - treatment which were the combination
between three concentrations of foliar application micro nutrition (Fe, Mn,
Zn and B) (0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 cm3 /L), two phosphorus rates (22.5 and 30 kg
P2O5 /fed), two nitrogen rates (80 and 100 kg. N /fed) and two N- application
Treatments were arranged in a split plot design with four replications.
Foliar nutrient treatments were allocated in the main plots, whereas, the
combination between phosphorus rates, nitrogen application method and
rates were distributed in the sub plot area. The results showed that:
Sucrose in both seasons and purity percentages in the 2nd season were
significantly increased when sugar beet was sown on 15th July, meanwhile,
non of the examined concentration of foliage compound as well as
phosphorus level and nitrogen application method attained any significant
effect on these characters. However, increasing the applied nitrogen let to
significant decrease in sucrose % in both seasons of the 2nd sowing date (15th
November). Moreover, purity % was not affected by nitrogen level in the 1st
season and in the 1st sowing date in the 2nd season. Meanwhile in the 2nd
sowing date of the 2nd season, purity %was reduced significantly by
increasing in nitrogen level up100 Kg. N /fed.
Tops yield was not affected by sowing dates, however root and sugar
yields were significantly affected by sowing dates. Root and sugar yield
significantly increased in the 1st sowing date. Also foliage compound
treatments affected root and top yields in both seasons. On the other hand,
sugar yield insignificantly affected by foliage compound treatments.
Increasing phosphorus application significantly increased tops and root
yield in both seasons, whereas sugar yield significantly increased with the
increase in phosphorus level in the 1st sowing date of the 2nd season. Drilling
method of nitrogen application significantly increased tops yield in both
seasons, however increased root yield significantly in the 2nd sowing date of
the two seasons. Also sugar yield was significantly increased by drilling
nitrogen in the 1st season only.
Increasing nitrogen rates let to significant increase in tops and roots
yield in both seasons, meanwhile, this increase was statistically for sugar yield in the 1st sowing date of the 1st season and in the 2nd sowing date of the
2nd season.
Based upon the obtained results and under this conditions, it could be
recommended by the 1st sowing date and using nutrients compound (Fe, Mn,
Zn and B) by 1.5 cm3 /L, 30 KgP2 O5 and 100 Kg.N/fed. by drilling method.