The main objective of the research is studying access to use of
economicresourdes available to produce some agricultural crops in North Sinai
Governorate to raise the proportion of self-sufficiency of these crops by
measuring the efficiency of technical and economic efficiency and estimate
the size of the surplus or deficit in the resources used in the cultivation of
crops in North Sinai Governorate.
Descriptive and statistical analysis has been used to achieve the
objectives of the research. The study depends on the secondary data, which
collected from local sources during the study period. Aquestionannaire
through personal interviews was used to collect data from (100) respondents
randomly selected from villages of Governorate.
The study showed when estimating the allocative efficiency for the
production of peach crop, it was found that the average efficiency index
allocative during the period (2002 – 2011) was about 92.9% in the case of
Constant Returns to Scale (CRS),and about 98% in the case of Variable Return
to Scale (VRS),which it means that proucers of peach crop can decrease the
production cost of peach crop by 7.1% and 2% respectively and can produce
the same level production quantity of peach crop. For olive crop, the average
efficiency index distribution around 89.9% in the case of CRS and about
97.1% in the case of VRS. For bearly, winter tomatoes, summer tomatoes,
alcantlob and palm crops, the average efficiency index distribution around
59.5% , 77.9% , 91.5% , 90.6% , and 63.3% in the case of CRS respectively,
while in the case of VRS it was about 88.1% , 91% , 98.4% , and 99.8%
Some recommendations from this research had been discussed to improve
the technical and economic efficiency for agricultural production in North
Sinai Governorate.