This study aims at clarifying the supported values related with
development achieved by individuals of rural society such as “science
&education, value of work, achievement, confidence in government institutions, family planning, rationalize of consumption, lowylity/ polngness
and social participation, desert of reclamination", also determining the
differences between these levels among the different categories, and
recognizing their knowledge sources, social participation.
- Data were collected from random sample of 153 respondents from a
population of 37060. Data were collected by questionnaire through personal
interview, for data analysis, percentages, means, standard deviation and t
test were used for data analyzing.
- The main results revealed that: the positive values related with each of the
following: the value of science & education, the value of work,
achievement, confidence in government institutions, family planning,
rationalize of consumption, were high.
- The results also showed that the positive values related with each of the
following: the value of investment and saving, the value of resources and
environmental conservation, the value of rationalize of consumption,
lowylity / plungness and social participation, was high.
- The results revealed that: the value related to desert recrimination was low
- The results revealed that neighbors and friends and T.V. was the most
popular information sources. Also social participation was high of the
respondents; the cosmopolitan's degree was low.
- The results also showed the existence of significant differences between
levels of respondents in related to family planning and value of work.
- The results also revealed the existence of significant differences between
levels of respondents in related to value of rationalize of consumption.