This study was conducted in Research Station Horticultural SidesHorticultural Research Institute Agricultural Research Center during the
seasons 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 to study the response of the vegetative
growth, yield and percentage of components and oil pilot plants coriander
under the conditions of the region Middle Egypt, amino acids (compound
strong amino gold) and composite ascoppin or combined with four different
concentrations of the compound strong amino gold (0- 100- 150- 200 g/100
liters of water) with a compound ascoppin different concentrations (0- 150-
200 -250 g/100 liters of water) with fertilizing coriander half the recommended
amount of fertilizer mineral with both transactions foliar (both composite
strong amino gold or composite ascoppin) improved significantly where there
was a positive effect in recipes vegetative growth of different such as high
plant and stem diameter and weight of dry herb/plant was the best transactions
these attributes are resulting from treatment (150 g of compound strong amino
Gold with 150 grams of a compound ascoppin) both in a single case or in the
case of overlap, as compared to the standard and there was a clear improvement
and moral in the properties of crop plants coriander , a number of fruits per
plant and the amount of seed yield per plant and acre , as well as the
percentage of the components of oil using a concentration of 200 g of the
compound strong amino Gold with 150 to 200 grams of a compound ascoppin
where gave the best results and interaction between them vegetative growth and
yield components and chemical properties therefore recommends from the
economic point of view under treatment plants coriander compound strong
amino gold concentration of 200g with a compound ascoppin concentration of
200g/100 liters of water and it sprayed the plants three times begin after
planting a month and a half, and at intervals of every three weeks in order to
improve vegetative growth and yield components and the percentage of the
components of the volatile oil .