A field experiment was conducted on salt affected soil at Kasr ElBasel village, south district of Etsa, El-Fayoum Governorate, Egypt,
during winter season 2013/2014. This study was conducted to identify
the effect applied compost at the rate of 20 m3 fed-1 in combination with
amino acid (proline sprayed at rate of 3 mg/L fed-1 during 20, 45, and 60
days after sowing) and biofertilizer (salinity durable bacteria) as either
solely or combined treatments to improving some salt affected soil
characteristics as well as the vegetative growth, nutritional status and
yield of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris, c.v. Galorya).
The obtained results indicated that, in the soil have good drainge,
the values of EC, SAR, ESP, CaCO3 and pH, decreased with applications
of compost, proline and biofertilizer. These decrease varied from
treatment to another, the best treatment was found to be compost +
proline + biofertilizer. However, its effect on OM and CEC were
opposite trend since their combination caused the highest of OM and
CEC. Also, application of compost + proline + biofertilizer with were
more pronounced in decreasing soil bulk density, while increasing
hydraulic conductivity , total porosity and soil moisture content . In
addition, the obtained data emphasized that the achieved amelioration in
soil properties were positively reflected on the studied plant parameters
(root height, root diameter, root and top yields, sucrose%, TSS%,
purity% and sugar yield). The best and achieved greatest values were
associated with pants subjected to the triple combined treatment
(compost + proline + biofertilizer) as compared to the other combined or
solely ones. Further, the applied treatments display an effective role on
increasing growth plant characters and nutrient contents of plant tissues.
So that, it could be recommended that compost, proline and
biofertilizer (salinity durable bacteria) should be used to alleviate the
hazardous effects of either a saline soil. In addition, such favourable
conditions should be enhance continuous biological activity and nutrients
slow release along the growth stages of sugar beet plants, and in turn to
minimize their possible losses by either leaching process or volatilization
and rationalize use of mineral fertilizers, which represents surplus point
for sustainable agriculture system. This approach represents a best
strategy in agriculture field that has a long-term positive agronomic value
and an effective practice of fertilization management on long-term.