Wheat is considerd one of the most important crop from the social and
economic view, as it considerd the main raw material in bread processing.
Average cultivated area of wheat reach about 3.36 and 2.98 million feddan
represent about 21.7% and 19.5% of the total cultivated area which produce
about 8.6 and 10.2 million ton wheat as an average for the period (2007-2010,
2011-2013) respectively.
Variance analysis showed that:- There was significant varience
between the different wheat varieties and it was divided to 4 groups according
the productivity as an average for the two period ( 2007-20010, 2011-2013).
- Amount of production reach about 57.4 million ardab, and the net return
reach about 7.2 milliar L.E as an average for the period (2007-2010). As a
result of generalization. Mean while generalization of high varieties in each
governorate, share in increasing production by about 6.8 million ardab by
increasment reach 1.1 million ardab represenl about 18.04% in comparing by
the pervious period, net revenu reach about 13.859 milliar L.E for the period
linear programming results show that:- Maximizing of net return
illustrat that the net return realized about 6.9 milliar L.E by increasment reach
about 567.8 million L.E and saving about 56.6 thousand feddan. According to
the best area production was accounted to about 55.7 million ardab by
increasment reach 1.8 million ardab represent about 3.3% in comparing to the
present production which amounted to 53.9 million ardab as an average for the
period (2007-2010), While net return reach about 14.97 milliar L.E by
increasment reach 1544.7 million L.E and saving about 49.7 thousand feddan,
also production was assumed, according to the best area by 64.40 million
ardab, and increasment reach 2.37 million ardab represent about 3.8% in
comparing to the present production evaluated by 62.03 million ardab. In case
of minimizing the realized water require ment evaluated by 5.07 million m3 by
decreasing reach about 97.2 million m3 and saving about 53.4 thousand
feddan. Production was evaluated according to the best area by 52.6 million
ardab by decreasing evaluated by 1.3 million ardab represent about 2.4% in
comparing to the present production which evaluated by 53.9 million ardab as
an average for the period (2007-2010), while the realized water require ment
reach 5.7 milliar m3 by decreasment reach 93.3 million m3 and saving 49.2
thousand feddan, and the production was calculated according to the best area
by 62.43 million ardab as an average for the period (2011-2013). Maximizing
of production illustrate that the realized production reach 55.7 million ardab which an increasment reach 1.8 million ardab represent 2.4% in comparing to
the present production evaluated by 53.9 million ardab and saving about 53.4
thousand feddan as an average for the period (2007-2010), while the realized
production reach 66.2 million ardab by increasment reach 4.2 million ardab,
represent about 6.7% in copmaring to the present production estimated by
26.03 million ardab with saving 49.2 thousand feddan as an average for the
period (2011-2013).
The study recommend the following:-Conducting exetension awarness
for farmers to illiustrate cultivating varieties of high productivity in each
governorate according to the results of the variety map.
- Establishing central administrate detreminate and distribute the different
varieties of wheat for the governorates according to the variety maps results.
- Getting attension for conducting periodically variety maps for the most
important filed crops to realize the best use of the available production
resources especially under the restrected cultivated area and rare of water