This study aimed basically to identify the role of NGOs in the development
of micro and small enterprises in rural Fayoum governorate, through the
following sub-objectives: SWOT analysis of NGOs in the development of
micro and small enterprises, describe the role of NGOs for development the
small and micro enterprises in their various fields (technical, finance,
marketing, training) from the point of view of the owners of these enterprises.
found a strategy that NGOs can follow to develop small and micro enterprises.
The data were collected from 36 a NGOs' in Fayoum and Etsa districts in
Fayoum governorate using a guide to interview with the directors of these
associations to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of
these associations. Data on the role of NGOs in the development of micro and
small enterprises were collected from 180 of the owners of these enterprises.
Using a personal interview questionnaire. Frequency distribution tables,
percentages, mean arithmetic, standard deviation, and alpha (α) were used in the
Cronbach method.
The most important results were the SWOT analysis of the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the studied NGOs. The results also
showed that the technical role played by NGOs for the development of small
and micro enterprises is average (45.4%), 42.3% of the respondents believe that
the funding role of NGOs was average. As for the marketing role of NGOs,
60.2% of the respondents said that it was low, while 65.2% For NGOs was
average for the overall score of NGOs' role in project development (45.4%).
The study found a strategy that NGOs can follow to develop small and micro
enterprises as the best solution to promote rural communities and improve rural
living standards.