Two field trials were carried out in the Farm of the Faculty of
Agriculture, Demo, Fayoum University, Egypt, during the two successive
summer seasons 2016 and 2017, to study the effect of sowing dates and
seeding rates on yield and its components and quality of peanuts in newly
reclaimed land. The experimental design was split-plots design in RCBD with
three replicates, where sowing date (1st, 20th April, 10th and 30th May) were
assigned to the main plots, and seeding rate at 30, 40 and 50 kg/fad. (one
feddan = 4200 m2) were distributed in the sub-plots. The obtained results
could be summarized as follows.
Sowing on April 1st gave significantly highest on all studied traits at
harvest like plant height, number of branches, number of pods per plant and
weight of pod per feddan (1.87 and 1.92 t\fed.), seed yield per feddan (1.06
and 1.15 t\fed.) and oil yield per feddan (512.61 and 573.81 kg\fed.) in both
seasons. Decreasing the seeding rate from 50 to 30 kg\fed produced
significantly for all studied traits at harvest like plant height, number of
branches, weight of pods (41.85 and 44.27 g), weight of seed and oil %. On
the other hand, increasing the seeding rate from 30 to 50 kg\fed produced
significantly the highest values of yield in terms of pod (1.89 and 1.87 t\fed.),
seed (1.01 and 1.04 ton\fed) and oil (476.20 and 494.00 kg\fed) in both season
There were highly significant effects due to the interaction
between sowing dates and seeding rates on number of branches in the first
season, weight of pods per plant and pod yield per feddan in the second one.
The highest values of seed yield (1.21 and 1.34 tons) and oil yield (584.44 and
664.75 kg) per feddan in both seasons, respectively were obtained by sowing
on 1st April and seeding rate of 50 kg/fed. The data revealed that, positive and
highly significant (P ≤ 0.01) correlations were obtained between oil yield kg
fed-1 and each of seed yield t fed-1 (r = 0.993** and 0.995**) and pod yield t
fed-1 (r = 0.888** and 0.873**) in 1st and 2nd seasons, respectively. According
to Stepwise results in data in Table 6 clarified that two traits i.e. seed yield and
oil (%) in both seasons were significantly (P ≤ 0.001) contributed to variation
in oil yield kg per feddan.