The activity of honey bee colonies in gathering pollen grains had been extensively investigated in the last few decades. However, the variations of climatic conditions, the sharp decrease of the cultivated area, the changes of farmers' behaviors and attitudes, among other things, have led us to reinvestigate this behavior under Fayoum conditions. Data revealed that, the average weight of trapped pollen pellets collected throughout the year was 1786.11 gm/colony. There were 24 sources from which honey bee workers collected pollen grains all-over the year. The sources of trapped pollen pellets were as follows; Maize, Zea maize L., 17.17%; Egyptian clover, Trifolium alexandrinum L., 12.92%; Coriander, Coriandrum sativum L., 11.19%; Pick tooth, Ammi majust L.,11.09%; Citrus, Citrus spp, 8.84%; Elephant grass, Pennisetum purpuremum Schumach, 8.49%; Wild mustard, Brassica kaber Koch,7.43%; Date palms, Phoenix dactylifera L., 6.16%; Rocket, Eruca sativa Miller, 3.68%; Crown daisy, Chrysanthemum carinatum L.,3.19%; Sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench, 0.93%; Castor oil, Ricinus communis L., 0.68%; Marjoram, Origanum majorana L.,0.50%; Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus obliqua L.'Hér,0.42%; Casuarina, Casuarina glauca Sieber, 0.22%; Sesame, Sesamum indicum L., 0.22%; Vegetable marrow, Cucurbita pepo L., 0.21% and Jute mallow, Corchorus olitorius L.,0.04%. The 6 unidentified sources represented 6.59% of the quantity of collected pollen pellets all- over the year. The average weight of trapped pollen pellets during spring was 820.09gm./colony representing 45.91% of the total quantity of trapped pollen all-over the year. There were 9 sources from which honey bee workers collected pollen grains during spring. Clover was the most important, representing 28.14%; followed by Pick tooth 19.24% and Coriander 18.19%. The average weight of trapped pollen pellets in summer was 317.51 gm. /colony representing 17.87 %. There were 6 sources of pollen grains. Maize was the most important (69.53%). The average weight of trapped pollen pellets during autumn was 84.67gm./colony, representing 4.74 %. There were 9 sources of pollen grains. Maize was the most important (67.71%). The average weight of trapped pollen pellets during winter was 563.75gm., representing 31.56%. There were 13 sources of pollen grains. Citrus was the most important (26.03%), followed by Date palms (18.95%) and Elephant grass (16.35%).