Recently, there are many several biometrical models for analysis of diallel data. This study was carried out to investigate the possibility of combining ability prediction from the relationship between biplot graph and Griffing analysis of half diallel data, and to identify superior genotypes. Six parental bread wheat cultivars and their half diallel hybrids (15 F2 segregating populations) were evaluated during 2017/2018 season in the farm of Sakha Agricultural Research Station, ARC, Egypt in a randomized complete block design. The results reflected significant variances for both general (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) in most traits. Meanwhile, the SCA was higher than the GCA, indicating that the non-additive gene action is more important than additive one in controlling the studied traits. Simple correlation results showed that grain yield may be raised through selection for the highest number of spikes and lowest yellow rust susceptibility. Biplot graph and Griffing analyses exhibited equivalent results for GCA and SCA effects and are meaningful for identifying Sakha93 (P5) and Giza 168 (P6) as the best parents and Sakha94 x Giza 168 (H46), Misr 1 x Sakha93 (H15) and Misr 1 x Misr 2 (H12) as the best crosses. Biplot for diallel data was useful in estimation gene action and identifying the best crosses for breeding programs across all correlated traits (GT) and comparing genotypes based on multiple traits. Therefore, GT biplot data analysis was considered as good alternative analysis method for Griffing one, giving a complete picture about the interrelationships among genotypes and traits.