The present study was carried out at Sakha Agricultural Research Station, ARC, Egypt during four successive growing seasons from 2018/19 through 2021/22, to identify the mode of gene action and the pattern of inheritance for plant height, No. of spikes/plant, No. of kernels spike-1, 100-kernel weight and grain yield plant-1 in three bread wheat crosses, namely Giza 171 x Line 1, Giza 171 x Sids 12 and Giza 171 x Line 2. For all studied traits, t-test revealed highly significant differences among parental genotypes of each cross. According to the findings, additive, dominance, and epistasis effects were relevant for the inheritance of the studied traits. The average degree of dominance showed that partial dominance was effective for controlling most of studied traits, with the exception of plant height in cross-1, No. of spikes/plant in cross-2 and cross-3, and No. of kernels/spike in cross-1 and cross-3, 100-kernel weight in cross-3, grain yield/plant in cross-2, which exhibited over-dominance gene effects. Most of the studied traits recorded moderate to high heritability values in both broad and narrow sense, with the exception of the number of kernels spike-1 in cross-2 and 100-kernel weight in cross-1, which demonstrated low heritability in narrow sense. In most cases of the studied traits, the values of expected genetic advance were shown to be connected with narrow sense heritability. Based on these findings, the investigated crosses in this work would be useful in the wheat breeding program for genetic yield advancement by delaying selection to later segregating generations.