The present investigation was conducted during 2014/15 and 2015/16 seasons at Sakha Agricultural Research Station to estimate the type and relative amount of genetic variance components and combining ability for yield and its components in faba bean. For these aims, factorial mating design (4 lines x 4 tester) analysis was used. All genotypes (16 crosses and their 8 parents) were arranged in a field experiment under a naturally infested soil with Orobanche in a RCBD with three replications. Highly significantly mean squares of genotypes, parents and crosses were found for all traits of yield and its components. Results indicated that seed yield/plant was negative and highly significant correlated with number of Orobanche spikes. The additive gene effects were more important for all traits, except for number of branches and seed yield/plant. Therefore, it appeared that the inheritance of all the studied traits was controlled by a preponderance of additive gene effects. The higher heritability estimates for majority of the traits suggested that selection for such traits may be exercised in early filial generations. Contribution of (lines × testers) was greater than that of testers and lines for number of branches, pods/plant and seed yield /plant, suggesting the presence of large variation among parents and crosses for these traits. The best parental lines which revealed desirable GCA effects (a good general combiner) were Line 1 for number of Orobanche spikes, Line 2 for plant height, 100-seed weight and number of Orobanche spikes; and Line 4 for number of branches/plant and number of pods/plant. Whereas, tester T1 (Giza 843) and T4 (Nubaria 3) were the best ones for most studied traits. Most hybrids exhibited a positive significant mid-parent heterosis for seed yield, accompanied with negative heterosis for number of Orobanche spikes. The crosses (Line 3 x Misr 3) and (Line 4 x Misr 3) recorded best desirable SCA effects, which also recorded a significant heterosis over better parents for most yield components traits and number of Orobanche spikes. Then, these crosses were considered as good performing hybrids for these traits and could be used in the faba bean breeding program in future.