This work was achieved during three seasons (2018-2020) at Sakha Experimental Station, Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate, Egypt. Four Egyptian cotton varieties (Giza 92, Giza 93, Giza 96 and Giza 87) were used as lines and three genotypes (C.B 58, Russ.6022 and Aust.10229) as testers in line x tester mating design. Combining ability, genetic components and heritability were estimated in F1 and F2 generations for yield, its components and fiber properties. Genotypes varied significantly for all traits, Giza 92, Giza 96 and Russ.6022 gave the highest yield, Giza 87 had the best fiber properties. Giza 96 x Russ.6022 cross gave the highest yield, Giza 87 x Aust.10229had the best fiber traits. The significance of GCA and SCA indicated that additive and non-additive gene actions are controlling the studied traits. Giza 92 was the best combiner for yield and fiber strength, followed by Giza 96, while Giza 87 and Russ.6022 were the best combiners for fiber traits. Giza 92 x Russ.6022 showed the highest significant desirable SCA effects. The SCA variance was higher than GCA for most traits indicating that non-additive gene action was controlling these traits, whereas additive type was prevalent for lint% and fiber length. Broad sense heritability was low for boll weight, intermediate for fiber length and large for the rest of the traits. Narrow sense heritability was low to intermediate for all traits. Giza 92 and Giza 96 and the cross Giza 92 x Russ.6022 were promising for improving yield in breeding programs.