A new promising cotton cross {(G83 × G80) × G89} × A 107 belonging to G. barbadense L., was developed by Cotton Breeding Department, Cotton Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt. It is under the varietal approval process and will be named Giza 98 for general cultivation. It was developed through artificial pollination of diversified parents utilizing pedigree selection technique. F1 population resulting from the parental cross ways advanced by using pedigree method and selection beginning in the F2 generation. It is accompanied with combinations of excellent fiber traits and higher yield potential and possessing strong tolerance to heat and Fusarium wilt. The superior families were selected from F5 generation based on yield potential, fiber quality and overall better performance over standard varieties. The regional trial conducted of four growing seasons from 2011 through 2014 in different five locations representing the cultivated zone of this cotton category, the promising cross ({(G83 × G80)× G89}× A107) surpassed all the standard varieties. The new cross is widely adapted and fulfills the requirements of both cotton growers by high yielding and spinners by high lint percentage and good fiber quality as a long staple cotton variety. The new cross was recommended to be released as a new cotton variety.