A field experiment was conducted in private farms at Al-Hafir Area and Dekerness District, Al-Dakahlia Governorate, North Nile Delta during 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 growing seasons to study the effect of raised beds on wheat yield and water productivity in saline soil under farmer's conditions. Each experiment represent one of the salinity levels under investigation which considered as low S0 (ECw of 0.50 dSm-1 and ECe of 2.5 dSm-1), medium S1 (ECw of 4.0 dSm-1and ECe of 9.0 dSm-1) and high S2 (ECw of 7.8 dSm-1 and ECe of 12.3 dSm-1) of the location of study and combined analysis of variance between the three locations. A split plot design was used with four replicate.Three planting methods were tested in main plots, i.e., Tf (traditional flat planting method), F60 (furrow width 60 cm) and F120 (raised bed widths 120 cm) and four wheat cultivars in sub plots (Shandawel 1, Misr 1, Sakha 94 and Giza 171). The results revealed that the grain yield of the wheat cultivars under less salinity stress conditions (S0) were significantly higher than other salinity levels (S1 and S2). Also, the wheat cultivars showed some differences in salt tolerance. Data showed that concentrations of some of the metals were found above the threshold limits for irrigation water and grain wheat. Grains were found to accumulate Mn, Cr and Mo metals which were beyond recommended dietary limits under El-Hafir 1 and 2 compared with Talkha. The tolerance to salinity of different varieties under salinity conditions can be ordered as: Shandawel 1<Giza 171<Misr 1 <Sakha 94. The grain yield with F120 (raised bed widths 120 cm) was superior to the traditional planting method (Tf) by 7.3%, followed by F60 (furrow width 60 cm) which is seen to be slightly superior to Tf (traditional flat planting method), by 0.8%.The highest grain yield (6.93 ton/ha) was obtained with F120 (raised bed widths 120 cm) under S0 (ECw of 0.50 dSm-1 and ECe of 2.5 dSm-1) while the lowest yield (4.70 ton/ha) was obtained with the Tf (traditional flat planting method), under S2 (ECw of 7.8 dSm-1 and ECe of 12.3 dSm-1). The amount of irrigation water applied (Wa) was affected by salinity level and planting method. Therefore, the values of Wa were increased by 2.4 and 5.9% under S1 (ECw of 4.0 dSm-1and ECe of 9.0 dSm-1) and S2 (ECw of 7.8 dSm-1 and ECe of 12.3 dSm-1), respectively over S0 (ECw of 0.50 dSm-1 and ECe of 2.5 dSm-1). Also, using furrows and raised bed saved water of about 5.3% and 12.2%, respectively comparing to the traditional flat method. Therefore, the highest value of water productivity (WP) was achieved with F120 (raised bed widths 120 cm) under low salinity stress, while the lowest value was recorded with Tf (traditional flat planting method) under higher salinity stress. The application of gypsum alleviated the adverse effect of salinity stress on wheat crop < /em>.