The human body is actuated by electric and magnetic energies where the neural systems are found to transfer their instructions by nerve impulses in the form of electric signals or as waves of electric potential. However; the absence of a clear definition of electric charge misled the neuroscientists in recognizing the nerve impulses as electric charges and they defined them as chemical ions which contradict their observation as waves of electric potential. According to a found definition of the electric charge as electromagnetic waves of electric potential that deletes confusions in electromagnetism, this innovative definition is found to be consistent with the neurologist's observations of the nerve impulses and their found nature as electric signals. Similarly; the neurologists succeeded in stimulating the neural system by magnetic flux through the scull without clear explanation due to the unclear definitions of the magnetic flux as electromagnetic waves of magnetic potential. However; we succeed in this article in finding the plausible explanations of this stimulation by the innovative definitions of the electric charge and magnetic flux as electromagnetic waves of electric and magnetic potentials. We show the truth of these definitions by amble evidence.