Mophological studies on the arterial supply of the testis and ep ididymis were carried out on 61 testes collected from adult camels and were injected with plastoid and gum milk. The available literatures on the internal spermatic artery were revised. The exa mined specimens revealed that the internal spermatic artery is the only source of blood supply to the testis and epididymis. For descriptive purposes the artery was divided into abdominal, funi cular and marginal parts. The abdominal part extends from the aor ta to the Ostium vaginalis, the funicular part is included in the sper matic cord and is characterized by highly packed convolutions. It gives epididymal, accessory testicular as well as a number of fun icular branches. The marginal part passes over the epididymal bord er of the testis within the tunica albuginea about the caudal pole of the testis.
The course, distribution, and mode of termination of the bef ore mentioned branches into the parenchyma of the tstis and epi didymis are given in some details.
The epididymis is supplied mainly by two branches, one for the head and the other for the tail while the bodyis supplied by a contri bution from both previous branches.