Bacteriological examination of cervical samples were obtained from El-Hawatka buffalo farm (82 repeat breeder and 36 normal breeder buffaloes), Assiut Agriculture school (9 repeat breeder) and from 9 villages in Assiut and Abutig (109 repeat breeder). The bacterial flora which were isolated from the normal breeder buffaloes were, 10 micrococci (20.84%), 4 Gaffica (8.33%), 4 B-haemolytic streptococci (8.33%), 80 -hae molytic streptococci (16.66%), 3 E.coll (6.26%), 4 paracolon group (8.33%) and 15 Anthracoid (31.25%). However, the bacterial organisms which were isolated from teh repeat breeder buffaloes were 38 micrococci (13.42%), 31 staphylococci (10.95%), 33 B-haemolytic streptococci (11.68%), 13 C.pyogenes (4.59%), 17 unclassified coryn-bacterium (6.01%), 20 E.coli (7.07%), 34 klebsiella (12.01%), 34 proteus (12.01%) and 30 Anthracoid (10.6%). The rep < /strong>eat breeder buffaloes exhibited more pathogenic organisms (staphylococci,c. pyogenes, unclassified corynebacterium and Klebsiella) which were not present in the normal bree ding animals. However, few normal breeder cows harboured streptococci as a pathogenic bacteria, These bacteria might flourish under favourable conditions as lowered resis tance of the animal or other stress factors. The bacterial isolation from villages was more than that from the Governmental farms.