Fifty samples of already home prepared infant milk foods were collec- . ted from infant hospitals, to be examined for determination of its bacteriological quality. The maximum colony count/ml. was 96 X 10, the minimum was 50, with a mean value of 91.934 X 102/ml. 52% of samples contained coliform organisms. The maximum coliform count (MPN/100 ml.) was 49 X 104, the minimum was 20, with a mean value of 26.264 X 10'. Enteropaqthogenic Escherichia coli (0124 :K72:8 17 and 0111 :K58:B4) could be isolated from two samples.
Enterobacter aerogenes, Ent. cloacae, Ent. liquifaciens, Klebsiella aerogenes, K. Ozaenae, K.edwardsiiv.ed. and K. rhinoscleromatis could be isolated at varying percentages ranging from 4% to 24%. Staph. aureus could be isolated from three samples, while proteus species could be detected in 56% of examined samples.
20 to
39 X 10', with
The total enterococci count/ml. ranged from a mean value of 60.41 X 102.
The public health importance of existing microorganisms as well as suggestive control measures were discussed.